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2021-2023 LBJ Institute Faculty Research Fellows Application

Race and Ethnicity (Select all that apply) *

Statement of Interest:

Please submit your statement of interest (maximum of 500 words) in the text space provided below. You may want to write this Statement on MS Word and then copy/paste it into this section below. Your Statement of Interest should address the following:

  1. Why are you interested in being considered as an LBJ Institute STEM Education Faculty Fellow; and how do you feel it will benefit you personally and professionally?
  2. How do your goals as a scholar and teacher align with Texas State Universities’ strategic plan for research?
  3. How do you feel your personal experiences might enable you to contribute to a cross university professional learning community with a focus on STEM education?

Statement of Research Goals

Statement of research goals for the next two years including a brief description/ abstract of a potential research project (1-page limit, Upload)

Resume/Curriculum Vitae:

Please upload a Word or PDF version of your current resume or curriculum vitae below

Confirm Support:

Please upload an email confirmation from your department chair expressing support for your application to this program.

Commitment Statement:

If I am offered and accept an LBJ Institute for STEM Education & Research STEM Faculty Fellowship (you must check and agree to fulfill both requirements below):

Requirements *